Bake @ Home
Sip Frozen SconesHave you heard??? You can now surprise your family & friends with freshly baked scones FROM YOUR VERY OWN OVEN (Shhh, we won’t tell that you got them from SIP)!SIP’s delicious ready-to-bake Traditional Currant Scones are made-from-scratch, fresh-frozen and vacuumed sealed. Perfect for every morning! Order online today.

January: Featured Tea
Big Hibiscus Luscious red hibiscus with Indian sarsaparilla, ginger, pink rose petals, and elderflowers from Europe. Deep red and complex, showcasing a tart, cranberry-like flavor and high in Vitamin C. This tea almost needs a corkscrew. Perfect hot and cold. Sugar and honey may be added to sweeten. We recommend avoiding milk; it will curdle […]